イタリアSI Cobasから8・6ヒロシマ大行動への連帯メッセージ

イタリアSI Cobasから8・6ヒロシマ大行動への連帯メッセージ


In the anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb criminal massacre of hundreds of thousands civilians, we strongly support your independent demonstration against nuclear – and non-nuclear – rearmament everywhere, and against Japan’s Constitutional revision, which prepares a military build-up. No authority should ban it.


In a time when rivalries between old and new superpowers are embittering, with growing threats of war, we need to build an international movement against militarism, and against its causes, which are to be found in this system based on exploitation of the large majority by a small minority. 


In solidarity,


Roberto L.

International Solidarity Committee of SI Cobas

SI Cobas国際連帯委員会 / ロベルト・ルッチ―

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